Exercise 1 – Get Out of Your Way

If you haven’t read the post that acompanies this excercise, you can find it here: Get Out of Your Way

Reflect on these questions and write whatever comes to mind, refrain from judgement – just keep writing.

What is something that you have been wanting to do, but haven’t?

Why haven’t you done it? What are the mental excuses that come to mind? Write a list.

What is the root of each excuse? Reflect on each one. Write down any fears or limitations that come to mind.

What is the root of each fear? Reflect on each one with out judgement. See them for what they are.

Now that you are aware of these fears, watch for them throughout the day. As they arise, acknowledge them but do not act on them. Don’t beat yourself up if you do. Just observe them and continue to reflect on them.

Over time as you continue to reflect and become aware of the fears, they will be easier to recognize and let go of in the moment.

Ben Fairbrother

Ben Fairbrother

I’m an Empowerment Coach here to help you expand your potential by releasing limitations that are holding you back.